
9 Items
What makes our cashmere so special? We start with the finest yarns from an Italian mill known for producing some of the softest cashmere out there.
What makes our cashmere so special? We start with the finest yarns from an Italian mill known for producing some of the softest cashmere out there.
What makes our cashmere so special? We start with the finest yarns from an Italian mill known for producing some of the softest cashmere out there.
What makes our cashmere so special? We start with the finest yarns from an Italian mill known for producing some of the softest cashmere out there.
What makes our cashmere so special? We start with the finest yarns from an Italian mill known for producing some of the softest cashmere out there.
What makes our cashmere so special? We start with the finest yarns from an Italian mill known for producing some of the softest cashmere out there.
What makes our cashmere so special? We start with the finest yarns from an Italian mill known for producing some of the softest cashmere out there.
What makes our cashmere so special? We start with the finest yarns from an Italian mill known for producing some of the softest cashmere out there.
What makes our cashmere so special? We start with the finest yarns from an Italian mill known for producing some of the softest cashmere out there.


Almacén La GambaC/Finlandia nº 2 Locales 3 y 4, Benidorm

Galiana Gregori Hermanos, S.L.

Nuestra garantía es la de una empresa dedicada por completo al mundo del regalo y del complemento durante más de veinte años en los cuales hemos desarrollado un sistema de venta-servicio-posventa por el cual nos comprometemos a realizar las entregas en las fechas fijadas por nuestros comerciales con el fin de garantizar la plena satisfacción de nuestros clientes.


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